Join our President Mona El Isa at the Melon meet-up taking place in New York this week on Wednesday 16th October.
Mona is on her way to New York after attending Devcon V in Osaka last week. She will be hosting a Melon friends meet-up at Coinshares’ New York office with Jenna Zenk, CTO of Avantgarde Finance and Melon Council member. Together they’ll be giving a roundup of latest Melon developments and talking about their plans for the next few months. It’s short notice, but it’s definitely worth attending if you’re in New York this week! You can sign up here.
If you can’t join Mona in person this week, we highly recommend listening to the latest Relay Chain podcast - Joe Petrowski interviews Mona about using Melon Protocol to reduce the barriers in setting up and managing funds.